Sleep Well terms of service

Thank you for reading this site.

If you are setting up your Fitbit and/or considering sharing your data with us as part of the Sleep Well programme, please refer to your Participant Information Sheet for details of how your data will be used for this project.

As a reminder:

Data collected by the Fitbit will be numerical, and although it is linked to your personal information, we will only collect the unidentifiable scores.

We won’t ask for additional personal information.

At the point of signing up for the study, and when creating a Fitbit account, we will make a note of your email address. This will be used to contact you with survey links and to invite you to Sleep Well sessions, as well as to link your data collected across different phases of the study. However, this won’t be linked to your data in any way, nor will it ever be made available to the research team or beyond.

The analysed data will then be written up in an academic journal, and may be presented at conferences. We hope that the findings will inform the development of a wider sleep improvement programme, that we aim to administer across the UK (and perhaps beyond).  We often get media interest in our research also, so there is a chance that we will talk about the general findings in magazines and on the radio.

Please be aware that if, during the study, we discovered any illegal or harmful behaviours, we would have to breach confidentiality and alert relevant authorities. Otherwise, your data will be entirely confidential.  

If you have any questions, feel free to email:

Many thanks for your interest!

If you have any need to raise queries or concerns about this project independently from the project leads, you are welcome to contact Dr. Andrew Jackson, Head of Research at Bishop Grosseteste University, by emailing:

The research for which your data is collected and used is in the public interest.

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